Asian College of Teachers is accredited by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). ASIC accreditation helps students and parents make a more informed choice and will also help a school, college, university, training provider or distance education provider, demonstrate to the international student body that they are a high quality institution.
ASIC is recognised by UKVI in UK, is a member of the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in USA and is listed in their International Directory, is a member of the BQF (British Quality Foundation) and are institutional members of EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network).Read More...
Asian College of Teachers (ACT), the research driven and award-winning teacher training institution providing high quality teacher education,gets accreditation for all its courses from International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE) and is proud to feature in its list of accredited training institutions. QAHE is an independent, private and international organization which is funded through fees charged for its accreditation services to Certification Bodies and Training Organizations. With its expertise, QAHE recognizes higher education institutions for research performance, student services and teaching quality to value the confidence of the public as well as support the development of quality assurance systems worldwide.Read more..
Asian College of Teachers’ much-acclaimed International Teaching Diploma (ITD) course has been accredited by World Certification Institute (WCI), a global certifying body that grants credential awards and as well as accredits courses of organizations and has accredited 700+ world institutes and Universities till date. In other words, WCI is a Global Authority on Occupational Certification. The world body recognizes cross-national skills, competencies and professional practices that are indicative of occupational capability and derived from internationally accepted best practices. Read more..
Asian College Of Teacher's all TEFL / TESOL Courses are accrediated by TESOL Canada - "TESOL Canada" is an association of educators, TESOL teachers, TESOL instructors, TESOL graduates, Board of Federal Directors and Provincial Representatives across Canada with both national and international representatives. TESOL Canada programs are approved by the Ministry of Employment, Human Resources Development Canada HRDC, and authenticated through Ministry of Foreign Affairs for international use. TESOL Canada is the registered founding member of TESOL Quebec, TESOL Ontario, and TESOL British Columbia. Internationally TESOL Canada is an associated member of TESOL U.S.A., TESOL European Union EUTA, TESOL Asia, TESOL Middle East and TESOL South America. ALL ACT TESOL / TEFL Certificate, approved by TESOL Canada & TESOL U.S.A and certified through the Canadian Government." All ACT TEFL qualified students can also apply for TESOL Board exam through TESOL Canada to receive a Exclusive TESOL Certificate certified and notarized by Canada and USA government.Read more..
Asian College of Teachers is a member of CPD which stands for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The CPD Certification Service in UK was established in 1996 as the leading independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the Continuing Professional Development policies of professional institutes and academic bodies.
The CPD Certification Service provides support, advice and recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD principles and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements. See membership certificate
We, at Asian College of Teachers, have developed a system of policy statements, operating procedures, and work instructions to assure the quality of the services we provide to our external customers (those who are participating in training), as well as to have quality of the training on highest standard. Click to see Certificate | Read more....
Asian College of Teachers is a member of CPD which stands for Continuing Professional
Development (CPD). The CPD Certification Service in UK was established in 1996 as the leading
independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the
Continuing Professional Development policies of professional institutes and academic bodies.
The CPD Certification Service provides support, advice and recognized independent CPD
accreditation compatible with global CPD principles and is the term used to describe the learning
activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. Accredited CPD training
means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development
standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinized to ensure integrity and quality.
The CPD Certification Service provides recognized independent CPD accreditation compatible with
global CPD requirements. See membership certificate See membership certificate
Asian College of Teachers is a member of ACTFL - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages, a membership organization of more than 13,000 language educators and administrators
from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry. ACTFL has been
providing vision, leadership and support for quality teaching and learning of languages, since it’s
founding in 1967. ACTFL’s work as a trusted, independent center of excellence empowers educators
to prepare learners for success in a 21st century global society; helps government agencies build
language capacity in the U.S. and abroad and connects businesses with the resources and
relationships they need to succeed. They emphasize five “C” goal areas (Communication, Cultures,
Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) that stress the application of learning a language
beyond the instructional setting.
Asian College of Teachers (ACT) is a member of the International Association for Language Learning
Technology (IALLT) - a professional organization that provides leadership in the integration of
instructional technology into the foreign language classroom based in the United States. IALLT has
been advocating and supporting language learning for the past 50 years and further plans to do so
through technology into the future. They collaborate with varied professionals from different fields
and countries to collaborate and share expertise and experiences to bring together language
learning projects and provide complete support to member institutions. Read more
Asian College of Teachers (ACT) is an organizational member of Childhood Education International (CEI) comprising specialists in over 35 nations seeking innovative solutions to education challenges by providing professional development opportunities, technical assistance, and consultation services around the world. CEI with 50K educators and child advocated in the community, has made a strong impact globally for more than a century with 43 years of contribution to United Nations Initiatives and 40+ Nations Using Our International Code of Ethics for Educators. Read more....
Asian College of Teachers (ACT) is now a proud member of The National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) which is the only national membership organization dedicated solely to meeting the needs of special education teachers and those preparing to venture into the field of special education teaching. It works towards ensuring that each child and adolescent with special needs get the best possible education and the support it needs. NASET serves the professional interest of special education teachers in order to promote the highest professional standards.Read more....
Asian College of Teachers (ACT), leading teacher education in Asia, is a proud member of European Association for International Education (EAIE). The EAIE is driven by a global team of dedicated experts in the field of international education who volunteer their time and skills to lead the Association putting themselves forward for these roles and contribute immensely. EAIE is on a mission to use their expansive network of expertise and resources to help shape the future of international higher education. Read more....
ACT is a proud institutional member of ISTD - Indian Society for Training & Development The Society is affiliated to the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO), Geneva and Asian Regional Training and Development Organizations (ARTDO), Manila.
Asian College of Teachers is a proud member of The Quality Council of India (QCI) – a non-profit autonomous society registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 to establish an accreditation structure in the country and to spread quality movement in India by undertaking a National Quality Campaign. QCI is playing a pivotal role in propagating, adoption and adherence to quality standards in all important spheres of activities including education, healthcare, environment protection, governance, social sectors, infrastructure sector and such other areas of organized activities that have significant bearing in improving the quality of life and well-being of the citizens of India.
See membership certificate
ACT is a now an institutional member of IATEFL or International Association of Teachers of English as
a Foreign Language (Membership Number 32935) which is a global professional membership
association and a UK registered charity that acts as a community. It is a platform committed to
providing immense opportunities via a platform to ELT teachers all across the globe to connect,
share, learn, grow and develop while strengthening ACT’s accreditation credibility.
Asian College of Teachers (ACT) is a now a member of the esteemed Early Childhood Association
(Membership Number is ECALM01389) whose aim is to reach out with all the endeavours for
childhood initiatives and child rights. ECA acts as the one stop connection for the enrichment,
networking, awareness and advocacy of childhood and everything related to it and extends its help
to professionals, teachers, people who deal with children through their work in balwadis, day care
centres, rural crèches, teacher training colleges and entrepreneurial network by providing them with
every resource.See membership certificate
ACT is an institutional member of Montessori Europe, an organization working for networking,
collaboration, exchange, to provide mutual support, create synergies and increase motivation for
Montessori educators and institutions.See membership certificate
Asian College Of Teachers is an Institutional member of International Association of Special Education an organisation that promotes awareness and understanding of issues and developments related to the education and welfare of individuals with special needs throughout the world;
ACT is an institutional member of The Association for Early Childhood Education & Development (AECED), TATA Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai - 400 088
Asian College of Teachers (ACT) has now become Organizational Member of All India Council of Education (AICE) wherein from now onwards ACT has been granted all rights and privileges that comes with being an AICE member. AICE is India's leading recognised professional society which is registered with Govt. of India as a non-profit organization of higher learning. Such collaboration with an esteemed organisation like AICE certainly provides a huge boost to our spirit as well as adds extra mileage to the courses provided thereby helping our candidates when it comes to pursuing higher courses or finding a good job opportunity as AICE is recognised by most international institutes and organisations too.
NCC Education, an awarding organisation and a global provider of British education, endorses the courses of Asian College of Teachers (ACT). NCC offers the complete educational solution to their global network of Accredited Partner Centres in more than 50 countries. NCC, a British Government initiative, was established in 1966 who began offering qualifications over 50 years ago gradually expanding the higher education portfolio. Today, NCC Education is an internationally recognised UK awarding organisation. NCC endorsement of courses showcases the academic excellence and the high quality of Asian College of Teacher's self-developed qualifications. Read more See membership certificate
Asian Montessori Education (AME) promoting and preserving the educational legacy that Maria
Montessori has left behind and committed to advance Montessori a legacy by spreading awareness
and designing and developing courses aligning with Maria Montessori’s contribution to pedagogy
endorses the Montessori courses of Asian College of Teachers. AME takes an initiative to develop
and produce accomplished Montessori educators who are trained in Montessori principles and
practices so that they make a positive impact in today's classrooms while helping children to develop
holistically and preparing them for tomorrow's world.
The eLearning Guild which is the oldest and most trusted source of information, networking and
community for eLearning professionals.
ACT is registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India
ACT supports and endorses Teachers First initiatives - TeachersFirst is a rich collection of lessons, units, and web resources designed to save teachers time by delivering just what they need in a practical, user-friendly, and ad-free format. Busy teachers, parents, and students can find resources using our robust search tools.
Asian College of Teachers (ACT), the leader in teacher education in Asia is delighted to become the
authorized center for conducting Cambridge TKT Exam all over India. TKT is the acronym for
Teaching Knowledge Test and is conducted by Cambridge, which tests your basic teaching
knowledge. The test comprises of three core modules, with one test for each. Cambridge English
certificates are provided after the completion of each module. Each modular test has 80 questions
and continues for 80 minutes and may be taken together or separately, in any order of the
candidate’s preference. All authorized TKT centers are inspected by Cambridge English Language
Assessment ensuring that the centers meet their high standards.
Teaching Knowledge Test or TKT is appropriate for aspirants who are eager to develop themselves as
a teacher, and have little or no knowledge of the modern English teaching methodologies and
approaches; the TKT test will certainly boost their teaching career and give it a solid start. All they
have to do is to register and take as many modules as they want, over any time period. They will
receive a Cambridge English certificate for each module they complete.
Asian College of Teachers (ACT), the award-winning teacher education leader in Asia has forged a
prestigious academic partnership with Europass, the largest provider of Teacher Training Courses in
Europe, to offer a range of internationally recognized teacher training programs in varied modes of
learning. These courses are aimed at school teachers and education professionals to enhance their
English language skills, acquire valuable tools and strategies and become globally competent
teaching professionals.Europass has trained over 20,000 teachers, administrators and support staff
over a span of 10 years. The online academy is a branch of Europass Teacher Academy, the largest
provider of face-to-face teacher training courses in Europe, with headquarters in Florence and
schools in Barcelona, Athens, Dublin, Berlin, and other locations around Europe and is a pioneer of e-
learning, offers online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for teachers willing to hone their
skills and collaborate with international professionals working in the field of education. The Training
Company (ISO 9001:2015) is officially recognized by the Tuscan Region, code: 002282_1.
Asian College of Teachers (ACT) in academic collaboration with the European International University offers Master's program to the teachers to provide them with the skills to start teaching and have a better understanding of the learning and teaching approaches.
The European International University (EIU) – Paris is a private, independent higher education provider. EIU – Paris offers higher education programs that are different from the French National Curricula and Programmes leading to French Government accredited university qualifications, which falls under the French Public Higher Education sector.
All programs and services provided by EIU are internationally benchmarked through the audit and quality assurance processes, carried out by both the Ministry of Higher Education, France, as well as ASIC, U.K., on a regular basis.
The European International University (EIU-Paris) is duly authorized as a Professional Training service provider in accordance to Article R.6351-6 of the French Employment Code, under the registration number: 11755784775, with the prefecture of the region of ILE-DE-FRANCE. Read More
Asian College of Teachers (ACT), the pioneer in teacher education in Asia in collaboration with Microsoft, introduces Microsoft Certified Educator program which is a professional development program that aims to connect the gap between technology skills and innovative teaching among the 21st century teaching fraternity.
Since the main aim of Microsoft is ‘transforming education by focusing on 21st century skills’, the program on 21CLD has been created to reach and engage as many teachers as possible in this training.
Asian College of Teachers (ACT) undertakes a continuous review of its teacher training courses to ensure imparting high quality education. However, there might be circumstances outside of ACT’s control which might affect its stakeholders like if you are planning to teach in a different country, applying for a teaching license, pursuing higher studies or trying to get the certificate approved by the Ministry of Education (MoE) of a particular country then you can do so with the certificate issued by Asian College of Teachers (ACT). However, each country’s Ministry of Education (MoE) or educational bodies set certain standards that are indispensable for the pursuit of higher studies or teaching in schools in that country. So it can be a possibility that you may be able to use the certificate for higher studies or teaching purposes in one country and not in another. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you investigate thoroughly and check with the relevant authorities regarding the acceptance of the certificate issued by us before you enrol on a particular course. ACT strives to offer high-quality education and its certificates can be valuable for various purposes internationally, but still it is crucial for individuals to verify the specific recognition of the certificate in the country they intend to use it, especially for formal education or professional licensing purposes. This approach ensures that the stakeholders make informed decisions regarding their educational and career paths.
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